This weekend marks a huge milestone in the history of American Cinema, it is release weekend for the new Ghostbusters: Afterlife movie and I couldn't be more excited! I still remember watching the original Ghostbusters on VHS at my friend Ron's house the summer before I started Kindergarten and being awestruck by the combination of scary & funny elements. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before. I ran home and told my Mom all about this movie and we eventually had our own copy. We wore that VHS out with repeated watchings. A few years later The Real Ghostbusters cartoon hit the small screen and me and my brother were glued to our TV every weekday after school. It didn't matter if we had seen the episode 100 times, it was must watch television. We had our share of Ghostbusters action figures, books, magazines and we even dressed as Ghostbusters for 3 consecutive Halloweens! We were hooked and that love for this franchise continues with me today as I share my memories and merchandise with my kids. I really can't wait to see this movie. Below are a few selections from my Ghostbusters collection. I hope you enjoy and continue to keep busting heads...in a spiritual sense of course!

Topps & Cryptozoic Ghostbusters trading cards
Ghostbusters Dorbz & Slimer Funko POP
Kenner The Real Ghostbusters Ecto-Plazm
Ghostbusters II CD Soundtrack
Diamond The Real Ghostbusters MiniMates
Ghostbusters: The Video Game for Wii & DS
Kenner The Real Ghostbusters Slimer & Stay Puft (2020)
Ghostbusters Sign Wall Decoration
Ghostbusters I & II on DVD
Ghostbusters: The Ultimate Visual History book
Ghostbusters Slime & Ectoplasm Energy Drink
IDW Ghostbusters Comic Books
Stay tuned for Part II next Friday!