Friday, August 6, 2021

2021 Summer Vacation Recap!

Months later and COVID is still throwing us some curve balls, but that didn't stop my wife from scheduling us a pretty cool vacation! We took the kids to South Dakota for a week and to my wife's credit, she scheduled a lot of outdoor activities to cut down on our chances of infection. We all had a great time and made some memories with the kids that will hopefully last a life time.

We marveled at the giant statues at Dinosaur Park...

We enjoyed a relaxing evening at Storybook Island...

We took in the views at Mount Rushmore...

Observed some freaky animals at Reptile Gardens...

Had a blast playing mini golf at Pirates Cove (BTW, I won)...

And saw some bears at Bear Country USA!
We also visited Cosmos Mystery Area which was crazy! All these places were fantastic and offered a lot for us to do, but when I go out of state for vacations, work retreats or any kind of road trip, I need to visit the local comic & card shops! Luckily Rapid City had 2 comic shops and a card shop all within a block of each other. I looked through all the long boxes and dug through bins at each shop while my family patiently looked on. I gotta say, I am very pleased with my finds. Here are a few of the comic purchase standouts:

I was able to add a few more Marvel STAR comics to my collection, got a few Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, picked up a Bob Burden autograph for cheap and finally nabbed the first appearance of Spider-Ham for $4! I'd say that's a productive day!!
At the card shop, I picked up a few packs of 1990 Topps Traded for 99 cents each. Got a few decent rookie cards and as a lifelong Mets fan, I love that I got a Todd Hundley!

Also, was able to scrounge up a few new Bo Jackson cards for the collection. I'm sure you will see these at "The More You Bo" soon! What a fantastic trip it really was, now it's back to the real world which includes work, house chores and other adult hurdles. Can't wait for next summer's vacation, the countdown has already started!


  1. That bear was probably thankful that it wasn't headed the other way, what with that traffic jam and all :)

    I didn't know there was such a thing as "The Flintstone Kids", but am now kind of curious to find out what happened when they met Frankenstone.

    1. Whoa! You didn't know about the Flintstone Kids? Pretty fun cartoon, comic and toy line! Worth the search.

  2. Good times! Love the Mt. Rushmore pic๐Ÿ‘ Also digging that Micronauts issue #1! It's great and important to get out whenever you can especially nowadays.

    1. I agree. And the kids were getting a little antsy. Great vacation I hope they remember forever!

  3. Great vacation. I've been to a lot of places, but there is always so much more to see. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Totally! We had a few more things planned, but just not enough time to do it!
